2002 年創刊,逢每月10、20 及30 日派發。
發佈日期 : 2021年7月10日
School Principal Mr. Chung Fat Shing (the middle) and school counselling master Mr. Chiu Sin Ming (second from the right) will retire in the next academic year.
Today is the last day of the term, we have this End of School Ceremony to recognize and celebrate our achievements in the past year, to thank people for their tremendous contributions to the school and to farewell those who are departing us.
Let’s get started by reviewing the highlights in this year. Regular school hours were heavily affected during the first term of the school year, but thanks to the efforts of our teacher, we still managed to have our Music Day competition incorporated into the Online Chinese New Year Celebration in which we all had a very fun time. The Anniversary Run was replaced by using a running mobile application for students to regulate the amount of exercise during their free-time. Many of you have demonstrated great sportsmanship and achieved your goals with outstanding performance.
For careers development, we had the privilege to have one of the 2018’s Ten Outstanding Young Persons, Mr. Vivek Mahbubani, to share with us his adventure of life during the OLE Days.
Other functional group teachers, the school librarian and social workers etc. have also organized a series of interesting activities through physical and virtual means in order to create a joyful and purposeful life wide learning environment for our students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Now, let me congratulate our award winners in academic areas, sports, music, arts and community services. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, many of you have performed outstandingly in different areas. You have proven yourselves an all-rounded student and your hard work is highly appreciated. For those who have not received any awards this year, don’t be disappointed, your hard work will not be in vain. Keep trying!
After sharing the success and happiness of the school and students, I’m sad to tell you that some wonderful teachers and staff are leaving us this year. Ms Lau Hoi Yee, our Chemistry teacher, left our school for new endeavours in May. Mr. Chiu Sin Ming and our office staff, Ms. Tam Wai Yee, who have served at WSC for over 30 years are going to retire and start their new chapters of life after this academic year. My heartfelt gratitude to their selfless devotion and great effort to the school and the students in all these years, their contributions to the success of the school are deeply appreciated. Please give the teachers and our staff a big round of applause.
As you may know, I will also be retiring after this summer. It has been a huge pleasure for me to serve Wong Siu Ching for the past 11 years. There were times of joy and sorrow, just like it is for everyone, but the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. I have learnt a lot during my time at WSC and made many wonderful friendships that I will never forget for the rest of my life. I am grateful to have many great teachers and colleagues who have supported me along the way, without them, there will not be this WSC that we are all very proud of; without them, there will not be this Principal Chung. May I thank them again for bringing the school to reach new heights and giving me this wonderful opportunity to witness the success of the school during the prime years of my career. Thank you very much!
Lastly, the long summer is there waiting for you, I hope all of you will make it fruitful and worthwhile. Please make use of the time to try new things and to widen your exposure. Have fun and enjoy the time with your friends and family. And of course, I do hope that you will spend some time on your studies during the holidays to get ready for the coming academic year. Make each day count!
Wishing all of you a happy summer!
External Prizes
現今香港網絡發達,網絡世界成為了社會大眾獲得最新資訊的主要來源,但資訊紛陳,往往真假難分,「假新聞」泛濫成為現今各國社會均面對的問題。因此,培養下一代對網絡資訊存疑警惕、謹慎求真的精神十分重要,本校圖書館於本學年舉辦了一系列與「資訊素養」有關的活動,繼相關主題的講座及課程後,於7月8日及9日舉辦了「Factcheck學習遊戲日」,讓學生以參與桌遊形式學習「資訊求證」(Factcheck) 的技巧。學生積極投入,反應正面。
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