左起:副主席(外務) 周子翹、主席 何詩慧、副主席(內務) 沈卓盈
文學院、教育等學科 (由左至右)
1. 周敫烆(2020 6A )EdUHK Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts
2. 何梓滔(2019 6D) HKU Bachelor of Arts
3. 鄭嘉怡 (2020 6B) EdUHK Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese Language)
4. 葉瑩瑩(2020 6A )CUHK Bachelor of Arts Fine Arts
5. 黃紫晴(2020 6A)CityU Bachelor of Communication and Media
6. 黃子芳(2020 6A ) HKU Bachelor of Arts
7. 林子靖(2019 6D)HKU Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - English (double degree)
8. 廖嘉麗(2021 6B) HKU Bachelor of Arts
理學院 (由左至右)
1. 關家熙(2021 6D)HKU Bachelor of Science
2. 童惠楠(2021 6C)CityU BSc Data Science
3. 林子晴(2021 6C)CUHK Risk Management Science
4. 蘇博軒(2019 6E ) HKUST BSc Risk Management and Business Intelligence
5. 陳彥霖(2020 6A)HKU Bachelor of Science in Surveying
6. 陳俊宇(2021 6A) CityU Creative Media
商科學系 (由左至右)
1. 梁宴嘉(2021 6C) CityU Information Systems
2. 吳蔚欣(2020 6B) HKUST BBA in Finance
3. 黃焯楠(2021 6D)HKSYU Business and Law
1. 羅世梆(2021 6C) HKUST Engineering with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence
2. 陳映彤(2021 6C) HKUST Engineering
3. 雷智傑(2021 6B) PolyU BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering
4. 葉峻琛(2021 6C) HKUST Engineering with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence
1. 郭靄琳(2019 6E) PolyU BSc (Hons) in Optometry
2. 李泓錤(2021 6C) CUHK Bachelor of Nursing
3. 蔡曉藍(2021 6C) HKBU Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science
4. 任嘉彬(2021 6C) HKU Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
5. 梁錦茵(2020 6D) CUHK Bachelor of Nursing
6. 何樂瑤(2020 6D) CUHK Bachelor of Nursing
7. 戴穎烯(2021 6C) PolyU BSc (Hons) in Medical Laboratory Science
1. 劉柏亮(2020 6B) HKBU Social Work
2. 鄧倩華(2019 6E) EDUHK Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology
3. 何思瑩(2019 6E) CUHK Geography and Resource Management
Students who would like to participate in the workshop please complete the following online application on or before 16/10/2022.
Please contact Miss Ho Ping Man for further information.
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