本校參與由香港理工大學時裝及紡織學院主辦的「STEAM 時裝設計計劃」,透過了解長者的需要,例如行動不便、患有認知障礙等的老人,設計能運用科技元素解決日常生活問題的時裝。學生透過20小時的工作坊,學習時裝與文化的關係、如何將科技融入紡織技術之中,並且學習基礎縫紉技巧,製作一件能夠解決長者生活問題的時裝。本計劃與全球藝術與設計排名第一的University of the Arts London (UAL) 合作,學生完成作品後,透過網絡認識與UAL的時裝設計系教授交流,並且向教授匯報他們的設計成果。
Award recipients of International Chemistry Quiz 2023
International Chemistry Quiz (ICQ) [previous Australian National Chemistry Quiz (ANCQ)] organized by Royal Australian Chemical Institute is an international Chemistry quiz. The quiz has included participants from more than 15 countries. In July 2023, some of our schoolmates took part in the Quiz and received encouraging results. Students in our school received 4 High Distinction, 10 Distinction and 22 Credit awards in the Quiz. Congratulate to the students.
International Chemistry Quiz (ICQ) [previous Australian National Chemistry Quiz (ANCQ)] organized by Royal Australian Chemical Institute is an international Chemistry quiz. The quiz has included participants from more than 15 countries. In July 2023, some of our schoolmates took part in the Quiz and received encouraging results. Students in our school received 4 High Distinction (The top 10% of students in the state), 10 Distinction (The next 15% of students in the state (10%-25%) )and 22 Credit (The next 15% of students in the state (25%-40%)) awards in the Quiz. Congratulations to the students.