We are thrilled to share the joy of the Interact Club Installation Ceremony held on 14 December 2023. This memorable event brought together Rotarians, students, teachers, and community members to celebrate the spirit of service and leadership.
The ceremony commenced with a warm welcome from our vice-principal Mr. Ching, emphasizing the importance of community engagement and our gratitude to the Rotary Club of Wan Chai for their continuous support, especially for the scholarships. Following with the encouraging words from Mr. Greg Knowles of the Wan Chai Rotary Club, the new board is expected to make a positive impact. Both speakers’ messages resonated with the audience, fueling the desire to create change.
The outgoing club president Tiffany delivered an inspiring speech, reflecting on the club's achievements during their term and expressing gratitude to the Rotarians and dedicated members.
The highlight of the evening was the official induction of the new club board. Incoming president Yvonne, along with the executive committee, pledged their commitment to serve the school and community with passion and integrity. Their enthusiasm was contagious, igniting a sense of excitement among the attendees.
The installation ceremony served as a reminder of the power of youth in driving positive change and the importance of service to the community.
As we look forward to the year ahead, we are confident that the Interact Club of WSC will continue to inspire and make a lasting difference in the lives of others.
當日參加獨唱和小組合唱的參賽者,由本年度12 月1日及15日 下午常嚐樂時段首次舉辦之初中與高中「歌唱大賽 (Singing Contest)」披荊斬棘,獲評審黃焯楠校友與音樂科劉奕孜老師認可,而突圍躋身晉級 Music Day 決賽。全場同學於兩日歌唱大賽即時為心儀的獨唱和小組合唱項目投票打氣,優勝者分別從趙懷信副校長與程兆麒副校長接過獎座獲得祝賀。